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The Vergrowth automatic watering system for houseplants permits automatic watering of houseplants in a system that an also be adjusted to the needs of the individual plant. The hydrator is placed in the potting soil and receives the output of the water reservoir. The water is transferred from the hydrator to the houseplants by wicking action. In this case, the water supply is from a re-purposed lemon juice bottle. Water for the houseplant may also be supplied by another type of reservoir, a watering globe for example. The requirement is that the output tube fit into the hydrator thus making an automatic watering system for houseplants. Note that the water distribution is automatic but adjustable via the wicks supplied with the houseplant watering kit. The plant watering system hydrator can be placed anywhere in the pot. This plant is a polyscias (ming auralia).

Ming Auralia: Polyscias

The Vergrowth automatic watering system for houseplants permits automatic watering of houseplants in a system that an also be adjusted to the needs of the individual plant. The hydrator is placed in the potting soil and receives the output of the water reservoir. The water is transferred from the hydrator to the houseplants by wicking action. In this case, the water supply is from a re-purposed lemon juice bottle. Water for the houseplant may also be supplied by another type of reservoir, a watering globe for example. The requirement is that the output tube fit into the hydrator thus making an automatic watering system for houseplants. Note that the water distribution is automatic but adjustable via the wicks supplied with the houseplant watering kit. The plant watering system hydrator can be placed anywhere in the pot. This plant is an asparagus fern.

Plant growers have found our products quite helpful for raising healthy, attractive specimens. If you have questions, comments or suggestions for additional products, please contact us.

​Vergrowth Products

1631 University Drive

Richardson, TX 75081

The Vergrowth automatic watering system for houseplants permits automatic watering of houseplants in a system that an also be adjusted to the needs of the individual plant. The hydrator is placed in the potting soil and receives the output of the water reservoir. The water is transferred from the hydrator to the houseplants by wicking action. In this case, the water supply is from a watering globe. Water for the houseplant may also be supplied by another type of reservoir, a re-purposed bottle for example. The requirement is that the output tube fit into the hydrator thus making an automatic watering system for houseplants. Note that the water distribution is automatic but adjustable via the wicks supplied with the houseplant watering kit. The plant watering system hydrator can be placed anywhere in the pot. This plant is a Croton.

Croton: Codiaeum variegatum 'Petra"

Asparagus Fern: Asparagus aethiopicus

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